Friday 11 October 2013

Nearly there.


Just got off the coach. Nearly there. We walked up to the doors and they opened by themselves like magic. I saw three empty seats and I headed for them. Kat steered me away from them and towards check in, where there was an endless queue. Great. We were done in three short minutes, realising when we arrived at the front that it was just a computer and you scan your passport and continue through. On to baggage check we go. Even bigger queue, but we all knew this one would take much longer. When we arrived at the front we heaved our bags on the scales hopeful they were within the weight limit. Few they just made it, just. As we watched our bags disappear into the unknown the man gave us our bag receipt and the precious boarding pass. We headed off the passport control where we hand over our passports and get asked if Kat and I are twins. We move on to the next part where we had to strip ourselves of all jewellery, phones, keys, money, shoes ect. Chuck it all in the crate and send it through the x ray machine whilst we stepped through the terrifying body scanner. Awkward when it beeps on you. Why not Kat? Just my necklace. No more beeping. Finally we are in the departure lounge. Which contains shops, shops and more shops. We still have another hour till take off. What shall we do?

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