Monday 16 June 2014

YouTuber – why women should not vote

It’s your friend James the preacher here urrr why women should(.) not be allowed to vote (2) number one (1)  just because it would get em angry these feminists need to be outraged by men (2) and these women are outta control they’re outta their place and there’s some godly holy women I’m not talking about them I’m talking about the rest the 99 per cent of the others that urm (2) rebellious uhh just uh loud mouthed outspoken (2) uhh they think they’re in control they think they’re equal with a man (.) gods place (.) uh  is for a women to be (.) uhh  in submission but again point number one is uh its worth telling women they shouldn’t vote just to see them go (5) you know if they do that long enough I’ve told a female a couple of times they were stunned you know they’re mouth was open (1) if you do that for another 45 seconds you’ll break the world’s record for a woman being quiet ha call the new York times halleluiah uh (.) so it’s worth it just to see the look on their face and number two they need to be told no (2) most women aren’t told no so it’s a good thing secondly though the bibles place for a woman is to be in submission I know there was queens and all that but that’s that’s the exception  folks in fact in the new testament church (.) says that a woman is to be silent in the assembly so I know that just puts a jab into you feminists (.) so it’s worth saying it twice so women are to be silent in the assembly first with its 1434 they’re not to give a testimony not to even ask a question the bible says of their own husbands they have to ask at home ha I love it isn’t that great

“James the preacher” tends to use a lot of breaks during his speech of why women should not vote. This could suggest that he feels slightly awkward talking about this subject. Even though he clearly thinks he is right, he might also understand that many others across the world do not feel the same way as he does about women and their position in society. He knows whilst he is saying all of these things about women and slating them that he will be causing a lot of complaints and making a lot of people angry. This may make him slightly nervous in case he gets a lot of hate from women and possibly men with their own views on whether women should be able to vote or not. He could also just be taking a breath or thinking about what he is going to say next. Possibly thinking about what insults he can use or how he can cleverly word what he would like to say to create the most impact on the audience and their feelings of him and his views.


Taylor swift – you belong with me

You’re on the phone with your girlfriend she’s upset she’s goin off about somethin that you said cus she doesn’t (.) get your humour like I do (3)

I’m in my room it’s a typical Tuesday night I’m listenin to the kinda music she doesn’t like and she’ll never (.) know your story like I do (4)

But she’d wear short skirts I wear  t-shirts she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers dreaming bout the day (.) when you wake up and find that what you’re (.) looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you been here all along so why can’t you see^ (2) you belong with me you belong with me (4)

Walk in the streets with you an your (.) worn out jeans I can’t help thinkin this is how it (.) ought to be(.) laughin on a park bench thinkin to myself (.) hey isn’t this easy ^(.) an you’ve got a smile that could light up (.) this whole town I haven’t seen it in a while since she brought you down(.) you say your fine I know you better than that (.) so watcha doin with a girl like that^

Taylor also uses pauses and slight breaks during her song. Some of them are just for her to catch her breath but some of them are added for effect. Possibly done to add emphasis on the words or phrases surrounding it for example “you belong with me” this is her main message through the song and repeating it straight after and then adding a long pause before she continues to her next verse I think places a lot of emphasis on the phrase and makes the audience remember it a lot more. She also adds a slight break after a question “so why can’t you see” this could be leaving room for the target audience (the man she is talking to/about) to fill it with an answer or to think about what she is saying and giving them time to realise that she is right and that he really does love her instead. However it could also just have been done so that it goes well with the tune of the song and fits into place with the music.

The YouTuber uses pauses to emphasise his own feelings and create strong feelings in the audience whereas Taylor uses pauses to add emphasis on particular phrases to add emotion to the song and true meaning to the song and the words that she is singing. She also is aiming her song at one particular person (the man that she wants to love her) so her lyrics are much more personal however the YouTuber is aiming his speech at anyone who has strong feelings about women being able to vote, this will most likely be feminists as they like change towards women’s strength and independence. His speech is also very personal however this is more to do with feelings and opinions whereas Taylors is about a specific individual, others may be able to relate to this but not fully as they are not her and the man.

1 comment:

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