Discussion in class:
My group chose to have a discussion about the Twitter text
because we all shared an interest in Twitter and the way people choose to
communicate on it. The interesting thing about communicating through Twitter is
that it has a very unique style. It invented the “hash tag” which is now a very
common thing that it is even used in every day speech and not just through
social networks. Other social networking sites have adapted to the new Twitter
language as well and so now you find hash tags on things like Facebook.
Throughout our discussion we chose to focus on a specific
quote “Shh! Game of thrones” this is a very short sentence which is also
associated with Twitter as everything on there is meant to be short - it even
has a word limit for each tweet! This tweet links to the power theory as it is
a famous man using his influential power through the use of the imperative “Shh!”
this catches your attention as one you are not talking you are tweeting and two
you are on a social networking site, you do not expect to be shushed. He is
almost telling his followers that he doesn’t want any spoilers so if they have
already seen that episode don’t tell him but he may also be saying “don’t talk
to me unless it is about Game of thrones”. However almost an hour later he
starts talking about the episode. This would suggest he had finished watching
it and was inviting his followers to express their opinions on it. However this
could be seen as an act of enforcing power as it is almost as if he is “allowing”
them to speak/tweet again as the episode is now finished. It is almost as if he
is controlling them and they are not allowed to do anything if he does not wish
Very good exploration of alternatives and some subtle implicature comments. Link to theory throughout.