Monday 16 September 2013

Blackadder-Prince George meets the writer of the first comprehensive english dictionary, Dr Johnson.

The writer of this comdey plays with the language alot. He has Dr Johnson as quite posh and proper and the Prince George slacks a little. The impression i get of the Prince is that he is a little thick because he does not understand what DrJohnson is saying to him. The way that Prince George speaks and the language that he uses is quite laid back. He doesn't use good vocabulary like Dr Johnson.
It is interesting that he makes the waiter out to be the smartest in the room and the Prince to be the least intelligent. The Prince should have been highly educated compared to the waiter as he is of a higher class but he does not come across as very well educated at all. The words that the waiter uses and the way he says them makes him sound like a know it all and that he is just rubbing it in the Dr's face that he got something wrong. this is all shown by the language used and the way it is portrayed to the audience.
There is adjacency pairs used in the text. There is certain dialects used but i dont think that in the clip the dialect you would expect to go with each character is correct for example i would expect the Prince to have a good vocabulary and his dialect would show that he is rich and a member of the royal family but instead he has quite a bad vocabulary and if you only heard him talking and didnt know at all that he was a Prince you would not think that he was by the way he talks.

1 comment:

  1. Abi shows a good understanding of the humour in the way the characters don't meet your expectations and the differences in the levels of power in contraxt to the levels of social status. Try and use more terminology (everone) in your analyses.
