Monday 22 September 2014

Language change - Methodology task

Has the language in cookbooks changed since they first began?

- Look at one specific cookbook or chef eg. Jamie Oliver
- Look at specific areas of the cookbooks eg. healthy eating
- Collect samples from different years
- Select every third sample to examine
- Compare the different ways he describes the instructions eg. add one teaspoon of baking powder/one teaspoon of baking powder is added here

Sunday 14 September 2014

My ideas for my coursework:

I was thinking of doing some questionnaires and asking people with children how they used to get their children to do housework and tidy their rooms etc. and whether they had to bribe them at all or not and how they would go about getting them to do what they wanted. I was thinking of asking a range of parents that I know that have different gender and aged children, also I was thinking of having a range of parents so young, older, single etc. and compare the difference between the language they chose to use for different aged and gendered children.